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Hacker News - 1 hour 19 min ago

Article URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.test

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179186

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: OpenLIT – Open-Source LLM Observability with OpenTelemetry

Hacker News - 1 hour 28 min ago

Hey Everyone! I am super excited to share something we've (me and my friend) been working on: OpenLIT. After an engaging preview that some of you might recall, we are now proudly announcing our first stable release!

*What's OpenLIT?* Simply put, OpenLIT is an open-source tool designed to make monitoring your Large Language Model (LLM) applications straightforward. It’s built on OpenTelemetry, aiming to reduce the complexities that come with observing the behavior and usage of your LLM stack.

*Beyond Basic Text Generation:* OpenLIT isn’t restricted to just text and chatbot outputs. It now includes automatic monitoring capabilities for GPT-4 Vision, DALL·E, and OpenAI Audio. Essentially, we're prepared to assist you with your multi-modal LLM projects all through a single platform and we're not stopping here; more updates and model support are on their way!

*Key Features:*

- *Instant Alerts:* Offers immediate insights on cost & token usage, in-depth usage analysis, and latency metrics. - *Comprehensive Coverage:* Supports a range of LLM Providers, Vector DBs, and Frameworks - everything from OpenAI and AnthropicAI to ChromaDB, Pinecone, and LangChain. - *Aligned with Standards:* OpenLIT follows the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions for GenAI, ensuring your monitoring efforts meet the community's best practices.

*Wide Integration Compatibility:* For those already utilizing observability tools, OpenLIT integrates with various telemetry destinations, including OpenTelemetry Collector, Jaeger, Grafana Cloud, and more, expanding your data’s reach and utility.

*Getting Started:* Check our quickstart guide and explore how OpenLIT can enhance your LLM project monitoring: https://docs.openlit.io/latest/quickstart

We genuinely believe OpenLIT can change the game in how LLM projects are monitored and managed. Feedback from this community could be invaluable as we continue to improve and expand. So, if you have thoughts, suggestions, or questions, we’re all ears.

Let’s push the boundaries of LLM observability together.

Check out OpenLIT here: https://github.com/openlit/openlit

Thanks for checking it out!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179153

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Net Neutrality Is Back

Hacker News - 1 hour 29 min ago

Article URL: https://text.npr.org/1247393656

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179144

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Has anyone had experience trying to claim a username on X or Instagram?

Hacker News - 1 hour 35 min ago


Has anyone had experience trying to claim a username on Twitter or Instagram and what was the result?

I ask these questions because my experience has not been satisfactory and therefore I will explain my situation. I am the owner of two trademarks. On multiple occasions I tried to claim the username that has been inactive and without publications for many years. Although I have the legal rights and supported my motivations, even attaching a copy of my brand certificates and other legal documents so that the usernames can be assigned to me, I feel that the responses from these platforms are automated and nonsensical, they seem be answered by a bot and that even though I provide the required legal documentation, they do not review it either.

The truth is that as an entrepreneur, it is frustrating not to be able to achieve the objectives in favor of my startup. These platforms prefer to keep the handles inactive for years instead of giving them to others who do have a use for them, and the platforms do not see that those of us who are serious about a business can even invest in advertising through these platforms.

I am aware that the rights to a handle/username are served by the first person to register it, and as long as its use does not infringe a previously registered trademark. However, I understand that if the username is inactive for many years, these platforms should reconsider their policies and be more flexible with those of us who wish to give it real use for our businesses.

I have also tried to contact the current owners, with no results either.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks for the support.

Best, Carlos

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179113

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: I decided to have a little fun with the favicon

Hacker News - 1 hour 37 min ago

i'm helping my sister put together a website for her design agency and decided to have a little fun with the favicon.

i mean, what’s the point of making websites if you can’t have some fun along the way?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179107

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Switching companies, earning 35% LESS. Good choice?

Hacker News - 1 hour 47 min ago

I am currently working for a StartUp, earning decently well. Unlimited vacation days and very high salary. I have an offer from one of the better known tech companies I always wanted to work for. However, this comes with 35% less salary than I am making now.

Any one experienced with this decision? I think it would boost my CV, and let me work with nicer people overall. I don't really like my colleagues, and it's a stressful environment currently to work in.

The difference is due to the fact that I work for an US based StartUp and not living in the US, so the exchange rate advantage applies here. The new company has an office in the country I am living in, and therefore slightly worse benefits and lower salary overall.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40179063

Points: 3

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News
