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Save up to $400 on Select Roomba Robot Vacuums With These Exclusive Coupons - CNET

CNET Feed - 6 hours 22 min ago
A few of Roomba's robot vacuum models are on sale, with prices starting at just $300.
Categories: CNET

Best iPhone Deals 2024: Up to $1,000 off iPhone 15, 14, SE and More - CNET

CNET Feed - 6 hours 40 min ago
If you're in the market for a new phone and want an iPhone, here are all the best deals you can take advantage of right now.
Categories: CNET

Ask HN: How to distinguish between concurrent, parallel, sync and async

Hacker News - 7 hours 10 min ago

I have seen all four terms used interchangeably. I know this sounds repeated, but I want a little more specific answer. I have already done my research. I found quite satisfactory results[0] explaining what each term meant. But what is still not clear to me, is how exactly would we differentiate them if we had to represent them through a Venn diagram.

My current understanding is the following -

1. All parallel things are concurrent, but all concurrent things are not parallel.

2. No synchronous things are asynchronous, and vice-versa.

3. Some synchronous things are concurrent, and some synchronous things are parallel.

4. All asynchronous things are concurrent, but only some asynchronous things are parallel.


My question is whether my current understanding of the difference is correct. If not, how must they be categorized and why?

[0]: I watched Rob Pike's video on Concurrency is not Parallelism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oV9rvDllKEg. And the following response on Reddit explaining the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code - https://www.reddit.com/r/computerscience/comments/ow1336/comment/h7d1h9d/ I have tried to summarize my findings in a blog post if you're willing to go through it - https://www.kush.in/post/a-sink-and-a-weight_1

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Categories: Hacker News
