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Hacker News - 1 hour 41 min ago
Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Create private emails like you create passwords

Hacker News - 2 hours 29 min ago

Hi HN,

Personally, I find it infuriatingly annoying how many emails I get. Especially as an early adopter, I like to try out new products but I hate getting marketing emails for life.

Even worse, we've gotten to the point where even unsubscribing isn't enough. Companies are required by law to send you policy updates (Privacy, GDPR, etc...). It's genuinely ridiculous.

There's different classes of solutions to this:

Subaddressing: yourname+SERVICE@gmail.com, but its very simple for adversaries to get around this and leak your main email.

Disposable emails: yopmail or temp-mail, but they're not privacy friendly at all.

Mail-server relay forwarding: Apple iCloud+ and Firefox Relay.

HideMail uses ProtonMail's simplelogin API to generate and help you manage email aliases for any account.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40175956

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News
