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Updated: 6 min 38 sec ago

The Judgment of Magneto

6 hours 33 min ago
Categories: Hacker News

Mind Mapping online simple and convenient to use

6 hours 41 min ago

Article URL: https://www.smind.app

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40153905

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

It took a day to optimize the landing page, it looks pretty good

6 hours 43 min ago

Background: When starting the Smind.App project, in order to go online quickly, the floor page is very simple. Later, the previous landing page of user feedback was too simple to introduce the function of Smind project!

Okay, since this is the case!Then take action

It took a day to optimize the landing page, and it looks pretty good ~ Mainly introduced the functions of our products and optimized some details. Now it looks much better. Of course, we will continue to optimize!In addition, we have lowered the price of the product a lot. Mainly, in the early days, we thought more users could use our products, not because of the price, of course, most of the functions were free! Finally, take a look at our products:https://www.smind.app

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40153896

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Create embeddings efficiently for an AI notes app with E2EE

6 hours 46 min ago


I am building a notes application that automatically finds related notes - thinkdeli.com. I want to implement end-to-end encryption sometime soon.

To find related notes, I create embeddings, add them to an index, and find the nearest neighbors.

I am creating embeddings of the user's notes locally using transformers.js. But setting up the pipeline takes up a lot of memory (around 400+ MB on Chrome). This makes it somewhat impractical to use on older devices.

Is there a more efficient way to create embeddings locally?

Creating embeddings via an API will be more efficient, but that would mean sending users unencrypted notes over the cloud to the service.

I would appreciate any pointers. Thanks a lot!z

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40153876

Points: 1

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News

Full Stack Deep Learning

6 hours 48 min ago
Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: How do I get into AI engineering?

7 hours 9 min ago

I'm an electronics engineer but my total work ex of about 7 years is all in growth.

Data science makes sense as a first step if I really want to get into AI, but is that it?

DS to ML to DL with a strong sprinkle of maths is all I need to start understanding models on a technical level?

Any suggestions for a non techie with some tech hands on around this roadmap?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40153738

Points: 2

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Categories: Hacker News
