Simple Phish Bait: EFF Is Not Investigating Your Albion Online Forum Account
We recently learned that users of the Albion Online gaming forum have received direct messages purporting to be from us. That message, which leverages the fear of an account ban, is a phishing attempt.
If you’re an Albion Online forum user and receive a message that claims to be from “the EFF team,” don’t click the link, and be sure to use the in-forum reporting tool to report the message and the user who sent it to the moderators.
A screenshot of the message shared by a user of the forums.
The message itself has some of the usual hallmarks of a phishing attempt, including tactics like creating a sense of fear that your account may be suspended, leveraging the name of a reputable group, and further raising your heart rate with claims that the message needs a quick response. The goal appears to be to get users to download a PDF file designed to deliver malware. That PDF even uses our branding and typefaces (mostly) correctly.
A full walk through of this malware and what it does was discovered by the Hunt team. The PDF is a trojan, or malware disguised as a non malicious file or program, that has an embedded script that calls out to an attacker server. The attacker server then sends a “stage 2” payload that installs itself onto the user’s device. The attack structure used was discovered to be the Pyramid C2 framework. In this case, it is a Windows operating system intended malware. There’s a variety of actions it takes, like writing and modifying files to the victim’s physical drive. But the most worrisome discovery is that it appears to connect the user’s device to a malicious botnet and has potential access to the “VaultSvc” service. This service securely stores user credentials, such as usernames and passwords
File-based IoCs:
Hash: 4674dec0a36530544d79aa9815f2ce6545781466ac21ae3563e77755307e0020
This incident is a good reminder that often, the best ways to avoid malware and phishing attempts are the same: avoid clicking strange links in unsolicited emails, keep your computer’s software updated, and always scrutinize messages claiming to come from computer support or fraud detection. If a message seems suspect, try to verify its authenticity through other channels—in this case, poking around on the forum and asking other users before clicking on anything. If you ever absolutely must open a file, do so in an online document reader, like Google Drive, or try sending the link through a tool like VirusTotal, but try to avoid opening suspicious files whenever possible.
For more information to help protect yourself, check out our guides for protecting yourself from malware and avoiding phishing attacks.
Trump Calls On Congress To Pass The “Take It Down” Act—So He Can Censor His Critics
We've opposed the Take It Down Act because it could be easily manipulated to take down lawful content that powerful people simply don't like. Last night, President Trump demonstrated he has a similar view on the bill. He wants to sign the bill into law, then use it to remove content about — him. And he won't be the only powerful person to do so.
Here’s what Trump said to a joint session of Congress:
The Senate just passed the Take It Down Act…. Once it passes the House, I look forward to signing that bill into law. And I’m going to use that bill for myself too if you don’t mind, because nobody gets treated worse than I do online, nobody.
%3Ciframe%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Farchive.org%2Fembed%2Ftrump-take-it-down-act%22%20webkitallowfullscreen%3D%22true%22%20mozallowfullscreen%3D%22true%22%20allowfullscreen%3D%22%22%20width%3D%22560%22%20height%3D%22384%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20allow%3D%22autoplay%22%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3E Privacy info. This embed will serve content from archive.orgThe Take It Down Act is an overbroad, poorly drafted bill that would create a powerful system to pressure removal of internet posts, with essentially no safeguards. While the bill is meant to address a serious problem—the distribution of non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII)—the notice-and-takedown system it creates is an open invitation for powerful people to pressure websites into removing content they dislike. There are no penalties for applying very broad, or even farcical definitions of what constitutes NCII, and then demanding that it be removed.
TELL CONGRESS: "Take It Down" Has No real Safeguards
This Bill Will Punish Critics, and The President Wants It Passed Right NowCongress should believe Trump when he says he would use the Take It Down Act simply because he's "treated badly," despite the fact that this is not the intention of the bill. There is nothing in the law, as written, to stop anyone—especially those with significant resources—from misusing the notice-and-takedown system to remove speech that criticizes them or that they disagree with.
Trump has frequently targeted platforms carrying content and speakers of entirely legal speech that is critical of him, both as an elected official and as a private citizen. He has filed frivolous lawsuits against media defendants which threaten to silence critics and draw scarce resources away from important reporting work.
Now that Trump issued a call to action for the bill in his remarks, there is a possibility that House Republicans will fast track the bill into a spending package as soon as next week. Non-consensual intimate imagery is a serious problem that deserves serious consideration, not a hastily drafted, overbroad bill that sweeps in legal, protected speech.
How The Take It Down Act Could Silence PeopleA few weeks ago, a "deepfake" video of President Trump and Elon Musk was displayed across various monitors in the Housing and Urban Development office. The video was subsequently shared on various platforms. While most people wouldn't consider this video, which displayed faked footage of Trump kissing Elon Musk's feet, "nonconsensual intimate imagery," the takedown provision of the bill applies to an “identifiable individual” engaged in “sexually explicit conduct.” This definition leaves much room for interpretation, and nudity or graphic displays are not necessarily required.
Moreover, there are no penalties whatsoever to dissuade a requester from simply insisting that content is NCII. Apps and websites only have 48 hours to remove content once they receive a request, which means they won’t be able to verify claims. Especially if the requester is an elected official with the power to start an investigation or prosecution, what website would stand up to such a request?
The House Must Not Pass This Dangerous BillCongress should focus on enforcing and improving the many existing civil and criminal laws that address NCII, rather than opting for a broad takedown regime that is bound to be abused. Take It Down would likely lead to the use of often-inaccurate automated filters that are infamous for flagging legal content, from fair-use commentary to news reporting. It will threaten encrypted services, which may respond by abandoning encryption entirely in order to be able to monitor content—turning private conversations into surveilled spaces.
Protecting victims of NCII is a legitimate goal. But good intentions alone are not enough to make good policy. Tell your Member of Congress to oppose censorship and to oppose H.R.633.
Tell the house to stop "Take it down"
Meet Rayhunter: A New Open Source Tool from EFF to Detect Cellular Spying
At EFF we spend a lot of time thinking about Street Level Surveillance technologies—the technologies used by police and other authorities to spy on you while you are going about your everyday life—such as automated license plate readers, facial recognition, surveillance camera networks, and cell-site simulators (CSS). Rayhunter is a new open source tool we’ve created that runs off an affordable mobile hotspot that we hope empowers everyone, regardless of technical skill, to help search out CSS around the world.
CSS (also known as Stingrays or IMSI catchers) are devices that masquerade as legitimate cell-phone towers, tricking phones within a certain radius into connecting to the device rather than a tower.
CSS operate by conducting a general search of all cell phones within the device’s radius. Law enforcement use CSS to pinpoint the location of phones often with greater accuracy than other techniques such as cell site location information (CSLI) and without needing to involve the phone company at all. CSS can also log International Mobile Subscriber Identifiers (IMSI numbers) unique to each SIM card, or hardware serial numbers (IMEIs) of all of the mobile devices within a given area. Some CSS may have advanced features allowing law enforcement to intercept communications in some circumstances.
What makes CSS especially interesting, as compared to other street level surveillance, is that so little is known about how commercial CSS work. We don’t fully know what capabilities they have or what exploits in the phone network they take advantage of to ensnare and spy on our phones, though we have some ideas.
We also know very little about how cell-site simulators are deployed in the US and around the world. There is no strong evidence either way about whether CSS are commonly being used in the US to spy on First Amendment protected activities such as protests, communication between journalists and sources, or religious gatherings. There is some evidence—much of it circumstantial—that CSS have been used in the US to spy on protests. There is also evidence that CSS are used somewhat extensively by US law enforcement, spyware operators, and scammers. We know even less about how CSS are being used in other countries, though it's a safe bet that in other countries CSS are also used by law enforcement.
Much of these gaps in our knowledge are due to a lack of solid, empirical evidence about the function and usage of these devices. Police departments are resistant to releasing logs of their use, even when they are kept. The companies that manufacture CSS are unwilling to divulge details of how they work.
Until now, to detect the presence of CSS, researchers and users have had to either rely on Android apps on rooted phones, or sophisticated and expensive software-defined radio rigs. Previous solutions have also focused on attacks on the legacy 2G cellular network, which is almost entirely shut down in the U.S. Seeking to learn from and improve on previous techniques for CSS detection we have developed a better, cheaper alternative that works natively on the modern 4G network.
Introducing RayhunterTo fill these gaps in our knowledge, we have created an open source project called Rayhunter.1 It is developed to run on an Orbic mobile hotspot (Amazon, Ebay) which is available for $20 or less at the time of this writing. We have tried to make Rayhunter as easy as possible to install and use, regardless of your level of technical knowledge. We hope that activists, journalists, and others will run these devices all over the world and help us collect data about the usage and capabilities of cell-site simulators (please see our legal disclaimer.)
Rayhunter works by intercepting, storing, and analyzing the control traffic (but not user traffic, such as web requests) between the mobile hotspot Rayhunter runs on and the cell tower to which it’s connected. Rayhunter analyzes the traffic in real-time and looks for suspicious events, which could include unusual requests like the base station (cell tower) trying to downgrade your connection to 2G which is vulnerable to further attacks, or the base station requesting your IMSI under suspicious circumstances.
Rayhunter notifies the user when something suspicious happens and makes it easy to access those logs for further review, allowing users to take appropriate action to protect themselves, such as turning off their phone and advising other people in the area to do the same. The user can also download the logs (in PCAP format) to send to an expert for further review.
The default Rayhunter user interface is very simple: a green (or blue in colorblind mode) line at the top of the screen lets the user know that Rayhunter is running and nothing suspicious has occurred. If that line turns red, it means that Rayhunter has logged a suspicious event. When that happens the user can connect to the device's WiFi access point and check a web interface to find out more information or download the logs.
Rayhunter in action
Installing Rayhunter is relatively simple. After buying the necessary hardware, you’ll need to download the latest release package, unzip the file, plug the device into your computer, and then run an install script for either Mac or Linux (we do not support Windows as an installation platform at this time.)
We have a few different goals with this project. An overarching goal is to determine conclusively if CSS are used to surveil free expression such as protests or religious gatherings, and if so, how often it’s occurring. We’d like to collect empirical data (through network traffic captures, i.e. PCAPs) about what exploits CSS are actually using in the wild so the community of cellular security researchers can build better defenses. We also hope to get a clearer picture of the extent of CSS usage outside of the U.S., especially in countries that do not have legally enshrined free speech protections.
Once we have gathered this data, we hope we can help folks more accurately engage in threat modeling about the risks of cell-site simulators, and avoid the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that comes from a lack of knowledge. We hope that any data we do find will be useful to those who are fighting through legal process or legislative policy to rein in CSS use where they live.
If you’re interested in running Rayhunter for yourself, pick up an Orbic hotspot (Amazon, Ebay), install Rayhunter, and help us collect data about how IMSI catchers operate! Together we can find out how cell site simulators are being used, and protect ourselves and our communities from this form of surveillance
Legal disclaimer: Use Rayhunter at your own risk. We believe running this program does not currently violate any laws or regulations in the United States. However, we are not responsible for civil or criminal liability resulting from the use of this software. If you are located outside of the US please consult with an attorney in your country to help you assess the legal risks of running this program
- 1. A note on the name: Rayhunter is named such because Stingray is a brand name for cell-site simulators which has become a common term for the technology. One of the only natural predators of the stingray in the wild is the orca, some of which hunt stingrays for pleasure using a technique called wavehunting. Because we like Orcas, we don’t like stingray technology (though the animals are great!), and because it was the only name not already trademarked, we chose Rayhunter.
Ninth Circuit Correctly Rules That Dating App Isn’t Liable for Matching Users
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit correctly held that Grindr, a popular dating app, can’t be held responsible for matching users and enabling them to exchange messages that led to real-world harm. EFF and the Woodhull Freedom Foundation filed an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit in support of Grindr.
Grindr and other dating apps are possible thanks to strong Section 230 immunity. Without this protection, dating apps—and other platforms that host user-generated content—would have more incentive to censor people online. While real-world harms do happen when people connect online, these can be directly redressed by holding perpetrators who did the harm accountable.
The case, Doe v. Grindr, was brought by a plaintiff who was 15 years old when he signed up for Grindr but claimed to be over 18 years old to use the app. He was matched with other users and exchanged messages with them. This led to four in-person meetings that resulted in three out of four adult men being prosecuted for rape.
The plaintiff brought various state law claims against Grindr centering around the idea that the app was defectively designed, enabling him to be matched with and to communicate with the adults. The plaintiff also brought a federal civil sex trafficking claim.
Grindr invoked Section 230, the federal statute that has ensured a free and open internet for nearly 30 years. Section 230(c)(1) specifically provides that online services are generally not responsible for “publishing” harmful user-generated content. Section 230 protects users’ online speech by protecting the intermediaries we all rely on to communicate via dating apps, social media, blogs, email, and other internet platforms.
The Ninth Circuit rightly affirmed the district court’s dismissal of all of the plaintiff’s claims. The court held that Section 230 bars nearly all of plaintiff’s claims (except the sex trafficking claim, which is exempted from Section 230). The court stated:
Each of Doe’s state law claims necessarily implicates Grindr’s role as a publisher of third-party content. The theory underpinning Doe’s claims for defective design, defective manufacturing, and negligence faults Grindr for facilitating communication among users for illegal activity….
The Ninth Circuit’s holding is important because many plaintiffs have tried in recent years to plead around Section 230 by framing their cases as seeking to hold internet platforms responsible for their own “defective designs,” rather than third-party content. Yet, a closer look at a plaintiff’s allegations often reveals that the plaintiff’s harm is indeed premised on third-party content—that’s true in this case, where the plaintiff exchanged messages with the adult men. As we argued in our brief:
Plaintiff’s claim here is based not on mere access to the app, but on the actions of a third party once John Doe logged in—messages exchanged between a third party and Doe, and ultimately, on unlawful acts occurring between them because of those communications.
Additionally, courts generally have concluded that an internet platform’s features that relate to how users can engage with the app and how third-party content is displayed and organized, are also “publishing” activities protected by Section 230.
As for the federal civil sex trafficking claim, the Ninth Circuit held that the plaintiff’s allegations failed to meet the statutory requirements. The court stated:
Doe must plausibly allege that Grindr ‘knowingly’ sex trafficked a person by a list of specified means. But the [complaint] merely shows that Grindr provided a platform that facilitated sharing of messages between users.
While the facts of this case are no doubt difficult, the Ninth Circuit reached the correct conclusion. Our modern communications are mediated by private companies, and any weakening of Section 230 immunity for internet platforms would stifle everyone’s ability to communicate, as companies would be incentivized to engage in greater censorship of users to mitigate their legal exposure.
This does not leave victims without redress—they may seek to hold perpetrators responsible directly. Importantly in this case, three of the perpetrators were criminally charged. And should facts show that an online service participated in criminal conduct, Section 230 would not block a federal prosecution. The court’s ruling demonstrates that Section 230 is working as Congress intended.
EFF In Conversation With Ron Deibert on Chasing Shadows
Join EFF's Cindy Cohn and Eva Galperin in conversation with Ron Deibert of the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, to discuss Ron’s latest book: Chasing Shadows: Cyber Espionage, Subversion and the Global Fight for Democracy. Chasing Shadows provides a front-row seat to a dark underworld of digital espionage, dark PR, and subversion. The book provides a gripping account of how the Citizen Lab, the world’s foremost digital watchdog, has uncovered dozens of cyber espionage cases and protects people in countries around the world. Called “essential reading” by Margaret Atwood, it’s a chilling reminder of the invisible invasions happening on smartphones and computers around the world.
Monday, March 10, 2025
7:oo pm - 9:o0 pm (PT)
City Lights Bookstore
261 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133
Ronald J. Deibert is the founder and director of the Citizen Lab, a world-renowned digital security research center at the University of Toronto. The bestselling author of Reset: Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society and Black Code: Surveillance, Privacy, and the Dark Side of the Internet, he has also written many landmark articles and reports on espionage operations that infiltrated government and NGO computer networks. His team’s exposés of the spyware that attacks journalists and anti-corruption advocates around the world have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Financial Times, and other media. Deibert has received multiple honors for his cutting-edge work, and in 2022 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada—the country’s second-highest honor of merit.
Fresh Threats to Privacy Around the Globe | EFFector 37.2
EFF is here to keep you up-to-date with the latest news in the world of civil liberties and human rights online with our EFFector newsletter!
This edition of the newsletter covers Apple's recent decision to turn off Advanced Data Protection for users in the U.K., our how-to guide for limiting Meta's ability to collect and monetize your personal data, and our recent victory against the government's use of Section 702 to spy on Americans.
You can read the full newsletter here, and even get future editions directly to your inbox when you subscribe! Additionally, we've got an audio edition of EFFector on the Internet Archive, or you can view it by clicking the button below:
EFFECTOR 37.2 - Fresh Threats to Privacy Around the Globe
Since 1990 EFF has published EFFector to help keep readers on the bleeding edge of their digital rights. We know that the intersection of technology, civil liberties, human rights, and the law can be complicated, so EFFector is a great way to stay on top of things. The newsletter is chock full of links to updates, announcements, blog posts, and other stories to help keep readers—and listeners—up to date on the movement to protect online privacy and free expression.
EFF to California's Supreme Court: Protect the Privacy of Internet Users' Communications
EFF asked the California Supreme Court not to weaken the Stored Communications Act, a 1986 federal law that restricts how providers can disclose the content of your communications to the government or private parties.
The law is built on the principle that you have a reasonable expectation of privacy that providers like Snap and Meta will not disclose your communications to third parties, even though the providers have access to those communications as they are stored on their systems. In an amicus brief, we urged the court to uphold these privacy protections, as they have for the past 40 years. EFF filed the brief along with the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Mozilla Corporation.
A lower court decision got it wrong. And we are urging the California Supreme Court to overrule that decision. If the lower court's ruling is affirmed, Meta, Snap, and other providers would be permitted to voluntarily disclose the content of their users' communications to any other corporation, the government, or any individual for any reason.
We previously helped successfully urge the California Supreme Court to hear this case.
Anti-Surveillance Mapmaker Refuses Flock Safety's Cease and Desist Demand
Flock Safety loves to crow about the thousands of local law enforcement agencies around the United States that have adopted its avian-themed automated license plate readers (ALPRs). But when a privacy activist launched a website to map out the exact locations of these pole-mounted devices, the company tried to clip his wings.
The company sent DeFlock.me and its creator Will Freeman a cease-and-desist letter, claiming that the project dilutes its trademark. Suffice it to say, and to lean into ornithological wordplay, the letter is birdcage liner.
Representing Freeman, EFF sent Flock Safety a letter rejecting the demand, pointing out that the grassroots project is well within its First Amendment rights.
Flock Safety’s car-tracking cameras have been spreading across the United States like an invasive species, preying on public safety fears and gobbling up massive amounts of sensitive driver data. The technology not only tracks vehicles by their license plates, but also creates “fingerprints” of each vehicle, including the make, model, color and other distinguishing features. This is a mass surveillance technology that collects information on everyone, regardless of whether they are connected to a crime. It has been misused by police to spy on their ex-partners and could be used to target people engaged in First Amendment activities or seeking medical care.
Through crowdsourcing and open-source research, DeFlock.me aims to “shine a light on the widespread use of ALPR technology, raise awareness about the threats it poses to personal privacy and civil liberties, and empower the public to take action.” While EFF’s Atlas of Surveillance project has identified more than 1,700 agencies using ALPRs, DeFlock has mapped out more than 16,000 individual camera locations, more than a third of which are Flock Safety devices.
Flock Safety is so integrated into law enforcement, it’s not uncommon to see law enforcement agencies actually promoting the company by name on their websites. The Sussex County Sheriff’s website in Virginia has only two items in its menu bar: Accident Reports and Flock Safety. The name “DeFlock,” EFF told the vendor, represents the project’s goal of “ending ALPR usage and Flock’s status as one of the most widely used ALPR providers.” It’s accurate, appropriate, effective, and most importantly, legally protected.
We wrote:
Your claims of dilution by blurring and/or tarnishment fail at the threshold, without even needing to address why dilution is unlikely. Federal anti-dilution law includes express carve-outs for any noncommercial use of a mark and for any use in connection with criticizing or commenting on the mark owner or its products. Mr. Freeman’s use of the name “DeFlock” is both.
Flock Safety’s cease and desist later is just the latest in a long list of groups turning to bogus intellectual property claims to silence their critics. Frequently, these have no legal basis and are designed to frighten under-resourced activists and advocacy groups with high-powered law firm letterheads. EFF is here to stand up against these trademark bullies, and in the case of Flock Safety, flip them the bird.
EFF to UK PM Starmer: Call Sisi to Free Alaa and Save Laila
UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer made a public commitment on February 14 to Laila Soueif, the mother of Alaa Abd El Fattah, stating “I will do all that I can to secure the release of her son Alaa Abd el-Fattah and reunite him with his family.” While that commitment was welcomed by the family, it is imperative that it now be followed up with concrete action.
Laila has called on PM Starmer to speak directly to President Sisi of Egypt. Starmer has written to Sisi twice, in December and January, and his National Security Adviser, Jonathan Powell, discussed Alaa with Egyptian authorities in Cairo on January 2. UK authorities have not made public any further contact with Egypt since.
“all she wants is for [Alaa] to be free now that he served the full five year sentence, and after they stole 11 years of his and [his son] Khaled’s life.”
Laila, who has been on hunger strike since Alaa’s intended release date in September, was hospitalized on Monday night after her blood sugar dropped to worrying new levels. A letter published today from her NHS doctor states that there is now immediate risk to her life including further deterioration or death. Nevertheless, Laila remains steadfast in her commitment to refrain from eating until her son is freed.
In the words of Alaa’s sister Mona Seif: “all she wants is for [Alaa] to be free now that he served the full five year sentence, and after they stole 11 years of his and [his son] Khaled’s life.”
Alaa is a British citizen, and as such his government owes him more than mere lip service. The UK government can and must use every tactic available to them, including:
- Changing travel advice on the Foreign Office’s website to reflect the fact that citizens arrested in Egypt cannot be guaranteed consular access
- Convening a joint meeting of ministers and officials of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Ministry of Defence; and Department of Business and Trade to discuss a unified strategy toward Alaa’s case
- Summoning the Egyptian ambassador in London and restricting his access to Whitehall if Alaa is not released and returned to the UK
- Announcing a moratorium on any governmental assistance or promotion of new Foreign Direct Investments into Egypt, as called for by 15 NGOs in November.
EFF once again calls on Prime Minister Starmer to pick up the phone and call Egyptian President Sisi to free Alaa and save Laila—before it’s too late.
The Senate Passed The TAKE IT DOWN Act, Threatening Free Expression and Due Process
Earlier this month, the Senate passed the TAKE IT DOWN Act (S. 146), by a voice vote. The bill is meant to speed up the removal of non-consensual intimate imagery, or NCII, including videos that imitate real people, a technology sometimes called “deepfakes.”
Protecting victims of these heinous privacy invasions is a legitimate goal. But good intentions alone are not enough to make good policy. As currently drafted, the TAKE IT DOWN Act mandates a notice-and-takedown system that threatens free expression, user privacy, and due process, without addressing the problem it claims to solve.
This misguided bill can still be stopped in the House of Representatives. Help us speak out against it now.
"Take It Down" Has No real Safeguards
Before this vote, EFF, along with the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), Authors Guild, Demand Progress Action, Fight for the Future, Freedom of the Press Foundation, New America’s Open Technology Institute, Public Knowledge, Restore The Fourth, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, TechFreedom, and Woodhull Freedom Foundation, sent a letter to the Senate, asking them to change this legislation to protect legitimate speech that is not NCII. Changes are also needed to protect users who rely on encrypted services.
The letter explains that the bill’s “takedown” provision applies to a much broader category of content—potentially any images involving intimate or sexual content at all—than the narrower NCII definitions found elsewhere in the bill. The bill contains no protections against frivolous or bad-faith takedown requests. Lawful content—including satire, journalism, and political speech—could be wrongly censored. The legislation requires that apps and websites remove content within 48 hours, meaning that online service providers, particularly smaller ones, will have to comply so quickly to avoid legal risk that they won’t be able to verify claims
This would likely lead to the use of often-inaccurate automated filters that are infamous for flagging legal content, from fair-use commentary to news reporting. Communications providers that offer users end-to-end encrypted messaging, meanwhile, may be served with notices they simply cannot comply with, given the fact that these providers cannot view the contents of messages on their platforms. Platforms may respond by abandoning encryption entirely in order to be able to monitor content—turning private conversations into surveilled spaces.
Congress should focus on enforcing and improving the many existing civil and criminal laws that address NCII, rather than opting for a broad takedown regime that is bound to be abused. Tell your Member of Congress to oppose censorship and to oppose S. 146.
Tell the house to stop "Take it down"
Further reading:
- EFF and allies letter opposing S. 146, the TAKE IT DOWN Act.
New Yorkers Deserve Stronger Health Data Protections Now—Governor Hochul Can Make It Happen
With the rise of digital surveillance, securing our health data is no longer just a privacy issue—it's a matter of personal safety. In the wake of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade and the growing restrictions on abortion and gender-affirming care, protecting our personal health data has never been more important. And in a world where nearly half of U.S. states have either banned or are on the brink of banning abortion, unfettered access to personal health data is an even more dangerous threat.
That’s why EFF joins the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) in urging Governor Hochul to sign the New York Health Information Privacy Act (A.2141/S.929). This legislation is a crucial step toward safeguarding the digital privacy of New Yorkers at a time when health data is increasingly vulnerable to misuse.
Why Health Data Privacy MattersWhen individuals seek reproductive health care or gender-affirming care, they leave behind a digital trail. Whether through search histories, email exchanges, travel itineraries, or data from period-tracker apps and smartwatches, every click, every action, and every step is tracked, often with little or no consent. And this kind of data—however collected—has already been used to criminalize individuals who were simply seeking health care.
Unlike HIPAA, which regulates 'covered entities'—providers of treatment, payors/insurers—who are part of the traditional health care system and their ‘business associates,’ this bill would expand its reach to cover a broad range of 'new' entities. These include data brokers, tech companies, and others in the digital ecosystem, who can access and share this sensitive health information. The result is a growing web of entities collecting personal data, far beyond the scope of traditional health care providers.
For example, in some states, individuals have been investigated or even prosecuted based on their digital data, simply for obtaining abortion care. In a world where our health choices are increasingly monitored, the need for robust privacy protections is clearer than ever. The New York Health Information Privacy Act is the Empire State’s opportunity to lead the nation in protecting its residents.
What Does the Health Information Privacy Act Do?At its core, the New York Health Information Privacy Act would provide vital protections for New Yorkers' electronic health data. Here’s what the bill does:
- Prohibits the sale of health data: Health data is not a commodity to be bought and sold. This bill ensures that your most personal information is not used for profit by commercial entities without your consent.
- Requires explicit consent: Before health data is processed, New Yorkers will need to provide clear, informed consent. The bill limits processing (storing, collecting, using) of personal data to “strictly necessary” purposes only, minimizing unnecessary collection.
- Data deletion rights: Health data will be deleted by default after 60 days, unless the individual requests otherwise. This empowers individuals to control their data, ensuring that unnecessary information doesn’t linger.
- Non-discrimination protections: Individuals will not face discrimination or higher costs for exercising their privacy rights. No one should be penalized for wanting to protect their personal information.
The need for these protections is urgent. As digital surveillance expands, so does the risk of personal health data being used against individuals. In a time when personal health decisions are under attack, it’s crucial that New Yorkers have control over their health information. By signing this bill, Governor Hochul would ensure that out-of-state actors cannot easily access New Yorkers’ health data without due process, protecting individuals from legal actions in states that criminalize reproductive and gender-affirming care.
However, this bill still faces a critical shortcoming—the absence of a private right of action (PRA). Without it, individuals cannot directly sue companies for privacy violations, leaving them vulnerable. Accountability would fall solely on the Attorney General, who would need the resources to quickly and consistently enforce the new law. Nonetheless, the Attorney General’s role will now be critical in ensuring this bill is upheld, and they must remain steadfast in implementing these protections effectively.
Governor Hochul: Sign A.2141/S.929The importance of this legislation cannot be overstated—it is about protecting people from potential legal actions related to their health care decisions. By signing this bill, Governor Hochul would solidify New York’s position as a leader in health data privacy and take a firm stand against the misuse of personal information.
New York has the power to protect its residents and set a strong precedent for privacy protections across the nation. Let’s ensure that personal health data remains in the hands of those who own it—the individuals themselves.
Governor Hochul: This is your chance to make a difference. Let’s take action now to protect what matters most—our health, our data, and our rights. Sign A.2141/ S.929 today.
The Judicial Conference Should Continue to Liberally Allow Amicus Briefs, a Critical Advocacy Tool
EFF does a lot of things, including impact litigation, legislative lobbying, and technology development, all to fight for your civil liberties in the digital age. With litigation, we directly represent clients and also file “amicus” briefs in court cases.
An amicus brief, also called a “friend-of-the-court” brief, is when we don’t represent one of the parties on either side of the “v”—instead, we provide the court with a helpful outside perspective on the case, either on behalf of ourselves or other groups, that can help the court make its decision.
Amicus briefs are a core part of EFF’s legal work. Over the years, courts at all levels have extensively engaged with and cited our amicus briefs, showing that they value our thoughtful legal analysis, technical expertise, and public interest mission.
Unfortunately the Judicial Conference—the body that oversees the federal court system—has proposed changes to the rule governing amicus briefs (Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 29) that would make it harder to file such briefs in the circuit courts.
EFF filed comments with the Judicial Conference sharing our thoughts on the proposed rule changes (a total of 407 comments were filed). Two proposed changes are particularly concerning.
First, amicus briefs would be “disfavored” if they address issues “already mentioned” by the parties. This language is extremely broad and may significantly reduce the amount and types of amicus briefs that are filed in the circuit courts. As we said in our comments:
We often file amicus briefs that expand upon issues only briefly addressed by the parties, either because of lack of space given other issues that party counsel must also address on appeal, or a lack of deep expertise by party counsel on a specific issue that EFF specializes in. We see this often in criminal appeals when we file in support of the defendant. We also file briefs that address issues mentioned by the parties but additionally explain how the relevant technology works or how the outcome of the case will impact certain other constituencies.
We then shared examples of EFF amicus briefs that may have been disfavored if the “already mentioned” standard had been in effect, even though our briefs provided help to the courts. Just two examples are:
- In United States v. Cano, we filed an amicus brief that addressed the core issue of the case—whether the border search exception to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement applies to cell phones. We provided a detailed explanation of the privacy interests in digital devices, and a thorough Fourth Amendment analysis regarding why a warrant should be required to search digital devices at the border. The Ninth Circuit extensively engaged with our brief to vacate the defendant’s conviction.
- In NetChoice, LLC v. Attorney General of Florida, a First Amendment case about social media content moderation (later considered by the Supreme Court), we filed an amicus brief that elaborated on points only briefly made by the parties about the prevalence of specialized social media services reflecting a wide variety of subject matter focuses and political viewpoints. Several of the examples we provided were used by the 11th Circuit in its opinion.
Second, the proposed rules would require an amicus organization (or person) to file a motion with the court and get formal approval before filing an amicus brief. This would replace the current rule, which also allows an amicus brief to be filed if both parties in the case consent (which is commonly what happens).
As we stated in our comments: “Eliminating the consent provision will dramatically increase motion practice for circuit courts, putting administrative burdens on the courts as well as amicus brief filers.” We also argued that this proposed change “is not in the interests of justice.” We wrote:
Having to write and file a separate motion may disincentivize certain parties from filing amicus briefs, especially people or organizations with limited resources … The circuits should … facilitate the participation by diverse organizations at all stages of the appellate process—where appeals often do not just deal with discrete disputes between parties, but instead deal with matters of constitutional and statutory interpretation that will impact the rights of Americans for years to come.
Amicus briefs are a crucial part of EFF’s work in defending your digital rights, and our briefs provide valuable arguments and expertise that help the courts make informed decisions. That’s why we are calling on the Judicial Conference to reject these changes and preserve our ability to file amicus briefs in the federal appellate courts that make a difference.
Your support is essential in ensuring that we can continue to fight for your digital rights—in and out of court.
Cornered by the UK’s Demand for an Encryption Backdoor, Apple Turns Off Its Strongest Security Setting
Today, in response to the U.K.’s demands for a backdoor, Apple has stopped offering users in the U.K. Advanced Data Protection, an optional feature in iCloud that turns on end-to-end encryption for files, backups, and more.
Had Apple complied with the U.K.’s original demands, they would have been required to create a backdoor not just for users in the U.K., but for people around the world, regardless of where they were or what citizenship they had. As we’ve said time and time again, any backdoor built for the government puts everyone at greater risk of hacking, identity theft, and fraud.
This blanket, worldwide demand put Apple in an untenable position. Apple has long claimed it wouldn’t create a backdoor, and in filings to the U.K. government in 2023, the company specifically raised the possibility of disabling features like Advanced Data Protection as an alternative. Apple's decision to disable the feature for U.K. users could well be the only reasonable response at this point, but it leaves those people at the mercy of bad actors and deprives them of a key privacy-preserving technology. The U.K. has chosen to make its own citizens less safe and less free.
Although the U.K. Investigatory Powers Act purportedly authorizes orders to compromise security like the one issued to Apple, policymakers in the United States are not entirely powerless. As Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Andy Biggs noted in a letter to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) last week, the US and U.K. are close allies who have numerous cybersecurity- and intelligence-sharing agreements, but “the U.S. government must not permit what is effectively a foreign cyberattack waged through political means.” They pose a number of key questions, including whether the CLOUD Act—an “encryption-neutral” law that enables special status for the U.K. to request data directly from US companies—actually allows the sort of demands at issue here. We urge Congress and others in the US to pressure the U.K. to back down and to provide support for US companies to resist backdoor demands, regardless of what government issues them.
Meanwhile, Apple is not the only company operating in the U.K. that offers end-to-end encryption backup features. For example, you can optionally enable end-to-end encryption for chat backups in WhatsApp or backups from Samsung Galaxy phones. Many cloud backup services offer similar protections, as do countless chat apps, like Signal, to secure conversations. We do not know if other companies have been approached with similar requests, but we hope they stand their ground as well.
If you’re in the U.K. and have not enabled ADP, you can longer do so. If you have already enabled it, Apple will provide guidance soon about what to do. This change will not affect the end-to-end encryption used in Apple Messages, nor does it alter other data that’s end-to-end encrypted by default, like passwords and health data. But iCloud backups have long been a loophole for law enforcement to gain access to data otherwise not available to them on iPhones with device encryption enabled, including the contents of messages they’ve stored in the backup. Advanced Data Protection is an optional feature to close that loophole. Without it, U.K. users’ files and device backups will be accessible to Apple, and thus shareable with law enforcement.
We appreciate Apple’s stance against the U.K. government’s request. Weakening encryption violates fundamental rights. We all have the right to private spaces, and any backdoor would annihilate that right. The U.K. must back down from these overreaching demands and allow Apple—and others—to provide the option for end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.
EFF at RightsCon 2025
EFF is delighted to be attending RightsCon again—this year hosted in Taipei, Taiwan between 24-27 February.
RightsCon provides an opportunity for human rights experts, technologists, activists, and government representatives to discuss pressing human rights challenges and their potential solutions.
Many EFFers are heading to Taipei and will be actively participating in this year's event. Several members will be leading sessions, speaking on panels, and be available for networking.
Our delegation includes:
- Alexis Hancock, Director of Engineering, Certbot
- Babette Ngene, Public Interest Technology Director
- Christoph Schmon, International Policy Director
- Cindy Cohn, Executive Director
- Daly Barnett, Senior Staff Technologist
- David Greene, Senior Staff Attorney and Civil Liberties Director
- Jillian York, Director of International Freedom of Expression
- Karen Gullo, Senior Writer for Free Speech and Privacy
- Paige Collings, Senior Speech and Privacy Activist
- Svea Windwehr, Assistant Director of EU Policy
- Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy
We hope you’ll have the opportunity to connect with us during the conference, especially at the following sessions:
Day 0 (Monday 24 February)Mutual Support: Amplifying the Voices of Digital Rights Defenders in Taiwan and East Asia
09:00 - 12:30, Room 101C
Alexis Hancock, Director of Engineering, Certbot
Host institutions: Open Culture Foundation, Odditysay Labs, Citizen Congress Watch and FLAME
This event aims to present Taiwan and East Asia’s digital rights landscape, highlighting current challenges faced by digital rights defenders and fostering resonance with participants' experiences. Join to engage in insightful discussions, learn from Taiwan’s tech community and civil society, and contribute to the global dialogue on these pressing issues. The form to register is here.
Platform accountability in crisis? Global perspective on platform accountability frameworks09:00 - 13:00, Room 202A
Christoph Schmon, International Policy Director; Babette Ngene, Public Interest Technology Director
Host institutions: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Access Now
This high level panel will reflect on alarming developments in platforms' content policies and their enforcement, and discuss whether existing frameworks offer meaningful tools to counter the current platform accountability crisis. The starting point for the discussion will be Access Now's recently launched report Platform accountability: a rule-of-law checklist for policymakers. The panel will be followed by a workshop, dedicated to the “Draft Viennese Principles for Embedding Global Considerations into Human-Rights-Centred DSA enforcement”. Facilitated by the DSA Human Rights Alliance, the workshop will provide a safe space for civil society organisations to strategize and discuss necessary elements of a human rights based approach to platform governance.
Day 1 (Tuesday 25 February)Criminalization of Tor in Ola Bini’s case? Lessons for digital experts in the Global South
09:00 - 10:00 (online)
Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy
Host institutions: Access Now, Centro de Autonomía Digital (CAD), Observation Mission of the Ola Bini Case, Tor Project
This session will analyze how the use of Tor is criminalized in Ola Bini´s case and its implications for digital experts in other contexts of criminalization in the Global South, especially when they defend human rights online. Participants will work through various exercises to: 1- Analyze, from a technical perspective, the judicial criminalization of Tor in Ola Bini´s case, and 2- Collectively analyze how its criminalization can affect (judicially) the work of digital experts from the Global South and discuss possible support alternatives.
The counter-surveillance supply chain11:30am - 12:30, Room 201F
Babette Ngene, Public Interest Technology Director
Host institution: Meta
The fight against surveillance and other malicious cyber adversaries is a whole-of-society problem, requiring international norms and policies, in-depth research, platform-level defenses, investigation, and detection. This dialogue focuses on the critical first link in this counter-surveillance supply chain; the on the ground organizations around the world who are the first contact for local activists and organizations dealing with targeted malware, and will include an open discussion on how to improve the global response to surveillance and surveillance-for-hire actors through a lens of local contextual knowledge and information sharing.
Day 3 (Wednesday 26 February)Derecho a no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas: desafíos y regulaciones en el sector judicial
16:30 - 17:30, Room 101C
Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy
Host institutions: Hiperderecho, Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales, Instituto Panamericano de Derecho y Tecnología
A través de este panel se analizarán casos específicos de México, Perú y Colombia para comprender las implicaciones éticas y jurídicas del uso de la inteligencia artificial en la redacción y motivación de sentencias judiciales. Con este diálogo se busca abordar el derecho a no ser objeto de decisiones automatizadas y las implicaciones éticas y jurídicas sobre la automatización de sentencias judiciales. Algunas herramientas pueden reproducir o amplificar estereotipos discriminatorios, además de posibles violaciones a los derechos de privacidad y protección de datos personales, entre otros.
Prying Open the Age-Gate: Crafting a Human Rights Statement Against Age Verification Mandates16:30 - 17:30, Room 401
David Greene, Senior Staff Attorney and Civil Liberties Director
Host institutions: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Open Net, Software Freedom Law Centre, EDRi
The session will engage participants in considering the issues and seeding the drafting of a global human rights statement on online age verification mandates. After a background presentation on various global legal models to challenge such mandates (with the facilitators representing Asia, Africa, Europe, US), participants will be encouraged to submit written inputs (that will be read during the session) and contribute to a discussion. This will be the start of an ongoing effort that will extend beyond RightsCon with the goal of producing a human rights statement that will be shared and endorsed broadly.
Day 4 (Thursday 27 February)Let's talk about the elephant in the room: transnational policing and human rights
10:15 - 11:15, Room 201B
Veridiana Alimonti, Associate Director For Latin American Policy
Host institutions: Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto
This dialogue focuses on growing trends surrounding transnational policing, which pose new and evolving challenges to international human rights. The session will distill emergent themes, with focal points including expanding informal and formal transnational cooperation and data-sharing frameworks at regional and international levels, the evolving role of borders in the development of investigative methods, and the proliferation of new surveillance technologies including mercenary spyware and AI-driven systems.
Queer over fear: cross-regional strategies and community resistance for LGBTQ+ activists fighting against digital authoritarianism11:30 - 12:30, Room 101D
Paige Collings, Senior Speech and Privacy Activist
Host institutions: Access Now, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), De|Center, Fight for the Future
The rise of the international anti-gender movement has seen authorities pass anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that has made the stakes of survival even higher for sexual and gender minorities. This workshop will bring together LGBTQ+ activists from Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the United States to exchange ideas for advocacy and liberation from the policies, practices and directives deployed by states to restrict LGBTQ+ rights, as well as how these actions impact LGBTQ+ people—online and offline—particularly in regards to online organizing, protest and movement building.
Utah Bill Aims to Make Officers Disclose AI-Written Police Reports
A bill headed to the Senate floor in Utah would require officers to disclose if a police report was written by generative AI. The bill, S.B. 180, requires a department to have a policy governing the use of AI. This policy would mandate that police reports created in whole or in part by generative AI have a disclaimer that the report contains content generated by AI and requires officers to legally certify that the report was checked for accuracy.
S.B. 180 is unfortunately a necessary step in the right direction when it comes to regulating the rapid spread of police using generative AI to write their narrative reports for them. EFF will continue to monitor this bill in hopes that it will be part of a larger conversation about more robust regulations. Specifically, Axon, the makers of tasers and the salespeople behind a shocking amount of police and surveillance tech, has recently rolled out a new product, Draft One, which uses body-worn camera audio to generate police reports. This product is spreading quickly in part because it is integrated with other Axon products which are already omnipresent in U.S. society.
But it’s going to take more than a disclaimer to curb the potential harms of AI-generated police reports.
As we’ve previously cautioned, the public should be skeptical of AI’s ability to accurately process and distinguish between the wide range of languages, dialects, vernacular, idioms, and slang people use. As online content moderation has shown, software may have a passable ability to capture words, but it often struggles with content and meaning. In a tense setting such as a traffic stop, AI mistaking a metaphorical statement for a literal claim could fundamentally change the content of a police report.
Moreover, so-called artificial intelligence taking over consequential tasks and decision-making has the power to obscure human agency. Police officers who deliberately exaggerate or lie to shape the narrative available in body camera footage now have even more of a veneer of plausible deniability with AI-generated police reports. If police were to be caught in a lie concerning what’s in the report, an officer might be able to say that they did not lie: the AI simply did not capture what was happening in the chaotic video.
As this technology spreads without much transparency, oversight, or guardrails, we are likely to see more cities, counties, and states push back against its use. Out of fear that AI-generated reports would complicate and compromise cases in the criminal justice system,prosecutors in King County, Washington (which includes Seattle) have instructed officers not to use the technology for now.
The use of AI to write police reports is troubling in ways we are accustomed to, but also in new ways. Not only do we not yet know how widespread use of this technology will affect the criminal justice system, but because of how the product is designed, there is a chance we won’t even know if AI has been used even if we are staring directly at the police report in question. For that reason, it’s no surprise that lawmakers in Utah have introduced this bill to require some semblance of transparency. We will likely see similar regulations and restrictions in other states and local jurisdictions, and possibly even stronger ones.
AI and Copyright: Expanding Copyright Hurts Everyone—Here’s What to Do Instead
You shouldn't need a permission slip to read a webpage–whether you do it with your own eyes, or use software to help. AI is a category of general-purpose tools with myriad beneficial uses. Requiring developers to license the materials needed to create this technology threatens the development of more innovative and inclusive AI models, as well as important uses of AI as a tool for expression and scientific research.
Threats to Socially Valuable Research and InnovationRequiring researchers to license fair uses of AI training data could make socially valuable research based on machine learning (ML) and even text and data mining (TDM) prohibitively complicated and expensive, if not impossible. Researchers have relied on fair use to conduct TDM research for a decade, leading to important advancements in myriad fields. However, licensing the vast quantity of works that high-quality TDM research requires is frequently cost-prohibitive and practically infeasible.
Fair use protects ML and TDM research for good reason. Without fair use, copyright would hinder important scientific advancements that benefit all of us. Empirical studies back this up: research using TDM methodologies are more common in countries that protect TDM research from copyright control; in countries that don’t, copyright restrictions stymie beneficial research. It’s easy to see why: it would be impossible to identify and negotiate with millions of different copyright owners to analyze, say, text from the internet.
The stakes are high, because ML is critical to helping us interpret the world around us. It's being used by researchers to understand everything from space nebulae to the proteins in our bodies. When the task requires crunching a huge amount of data, such as the data generated by the world’s telescopes, ML helps rapidly sift through the information to identify features of potential interest to researchers. For example, scientists are using AlphaFold, a deep learning tool, to understand biological processes and develop drugs that target disease-causing malfunctions in those processes. The developers released an open-source version of AlphaFold, making it available to researchers around the world. Other developers have already iterated upon AlphaFold to build transformative new tools.
Threats to CompetitionRequiring AI developers to get authorization from rightsholders before training models on copyrighted works would limit competition to companies that have their own trove of training data, or the means to strike a deal with such a company. This would result in all the usual harms of limited competition—higher costs, worse service, and heightened security risks—as well as reducing the variety of expression used to train such tools and the expression allowed to users seeking to express themselves with the aid of AI. As the Federal Trade Commission recently explained, if a handful of companies control AI training data, “they may be able to leverage their control to dampen or distort competition in generative AI markets” and “wield outsized influence over a significant swath of economic activity.”
Legacy gatekeepers have already used copyright to stifle access to information and the creation of new tools for understanding it. Consider, for example, Thomson Reuters v. Ross Intelligence, widely considered to be the first lawsuit over AI training rights ever filed. Ross Intelligence sought to disrupt the legal research duopoly of Westlaw and LexisNexis by offering a new AI-based system. The startup attempted to license the right to train its model on Westlaw’s summaries of public domain judicial opinions and its method for organizing cases. Westlaw refused to grant the license and sued its tiny rival for copyright infringement. Ultimately, the lawsuit forced the startup out of business, eliminating a would-be competitor that might have helped increase access to the law.
Similarly, shortly after Getty Images—a billion-dollar stock images company that owns hundreds of millions of images—filed a copyright lawsuit asking the court to order the “destruction” of Stable Diffusion over purported copyright violations in the training process, Getty introduced its own AI image generator trained on its own library of images.
Requiring developers to license AI training materials benefits tech monopolists as well. For giant tech companies that can afford to pay, pricey licensing deals offer a way to lock in their dominant positions in the generative AI market by creating prohibitive barriers to entry. To develop a “foundation model” that can be used to build generative AI systems like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, developers need to “train” the model on billions or even trillions of works, often copied from the open internet without permission from copyright holders. There’s no feasible way to identify all of those rightsholders—let alone execute deals with each of them. Even if these deals were possible, licensing that much content at the prices developers are currently paying would be prohibitively expensive for most would-be competitors.
We should not assume that the same companies who built this world can fix the problems they helped create; if we want AI models that don’t replicate existing social and political biases, we need to make it possible for new players to build them.
Nor is pro-monopoly regulation through copyright likely to provide any meaningful economic support for vulnerable artists and creators. Notwithstanding the highly publicized demands of musicians, authors, actors, and other creative professionals, imposing a licensing requirement is unlikely to protect the jobs or incomes of the underpaid working artists that media and entertainment behemoths have exploited for decades. Because of the imbalance in bargaining power between creators and publishing gatekeepers, trying to help creators by giving them new rights under copyright law is, as EFF Special Advisor Cory Doctorow has written, like trying to help a bullied kid by giving them more lunch money for the bully to take.
Entertainment companies’ historical practices bear out this concern. For example, in the late-2000’s to mid-2010’s, music publishers and recording companies struck multimillion-dollar direct licensing deals with music streaming companies and video sharing platforms. Google reportedly paid more than $400 million to a single music label, and Spotify gave the major record labels a combined 18 percent ownership interest in its now-$100 billion company. Yet music labels and publishers frequently fail to share these payments with artists, and artists rarely benefit from these equity arrangements. There is no reason to believe that the same companies will treat their artists more fairly once they control AI.
Threats to Free ExpressionGenerative AI tools like text and image generators are powerful engines of expression. Creating content—particularly images and videos—is time intensive. It frequently requires tools and skills that many internet users lack. Generative AI significantly expedites content creation and reduces the need for artistic ability and expensive photographic or video technology. This facilitates the creation of art that simply would not have existed and allows people to express themselves in ways they couldn’t without AI.
Some art forms historically practiced within the African American community—such as hip hop and collage—have a rich tradition of remixing to create new artworks that can be more than the sum of their parts. As professor and digital artist Nettrice Gaskins has explained, generative AI is a valuable tool for creating these kinds of art. Limiting the works that may be used to train AI would limit its utility as an artistic tool, and compound the harm that copyright law has already inflicted on historically Black art forms.
Generative AI has the power to democratize speech and content creation, much like the internet has. Before the internet, a small number of large publishers controlled the channels of speech distribution, controlling which material reached audiences’ ears. The internet changed that by allowing anyone with a laptop and Wi-Fi connection to reach billions of people around the world. Generative AI magnifies those benefits by enabling ordinary internet users to tell stories and express opinions by allowing them to generate text in a matter of seconds and easily create graphics, images, animation, and videos that, just a few years ago, only the most sophisticated studios had the capability to produce. Legacy gatekeepers want to expand copyright so they can reverse this progress. Don’t let them: everyone deserves the right to use technology to express themselves, and AI is no exception.
Threats to Fair UseIn all of these situations, fair use—the ability to use copyrighted material without permission or payment in certain circumstances—often provides the best counter to restrictions imposed by rightsholders. But, as we explained in the first post in this series, fair use is under attack by the copyright creep. Publishers’ recent attempts to impose a new licensing regime for AI training rights—despite lacking any recognized legal right to control AI training—threatens to undermine the public’s fair use rights.
By undermining fair use, the AI copyright creep makes all these other dangers more acute. Fair use is often what researchers and educators rely on to make their academic assessments and to gather data. Fair use allows competitors to build on existing work to offer better alternatives. And fair use lets anyone comment on, or criticize, copyrighted material.
When gatekeepers make the argument against fair use and in favor of expansive copyright—in court, to lawmakers, and to the public—they are looking to cement their own power, and undermine ours.
A Better Way ForwardAI also threatens real harms that demand real solutions.
Many creators and white-collar professionals increasingly believe that generative AI threatens their jobs. Many people also worry that it enables serious forms of abuse, such as AI-generated nonconsensual intimate imagery, including of children. Privacy concerns abound, as does consternation over misinformation and disinformation. And it’s already harming the environment.
Expanding copyright will not mitigate these harms, and we shouldn’t forfeit free speech and innovation to chase snake oil “solutions” that won’t work.
We need solutions that address the roots of these problems, like inadequate protections for labor rights and personal privacy. Targeted, issue-specific policies are far more likely to succeed in resolving the problems society faces. Take competition, for example. Proponents of copyright expansion argue that treating AI development like the fair use that it is would only enrich a handful of tech behemoths. But imposing onerous new copyright licensing requirements to train models would lock in the market advantages enjoyed by Big Tech and Big Media—the only companies that own large content libraries or can afford to license enough material to build a deep learning model—profiting entrenched incumbents at the public’s expense. What neither Big Tech nor Big Media will say is that stronger antitrust rules and enforcement would be a much better solution.
What’s more, looking beyond copyright future-proofs the protections. Stronger environmental protections, comprehensive privacy laws, worker protections, and media literacy will create an ecosystem where we will have defenses against any new technology that might cause harm in those areas, not just generative AI.
Expanding copyright, on the other hand, threatens socially beneficial uses of AI—for example, to conduct scientific research and generate new creative expression—without meaningfully addressing the harms.
This post is part of our AI and Copyright series. For more information about the state of play in this evolving area, see our first post.
Copyright and AI: the Cases and the Consequences
The launch of ChatGPT and other deep learning quickly led to a flurry of lawsuits against model developers. Legal theories vary, but most are rooted in copyright: plaintiffs argue that use of their works to train the models was infringement; developers counter that their training is fair use. Meanwhile developers are making as many licensing deals as possible to stave off future litigation, and it’s a sound bet that the existing litigation is an elaborate scramble for leverage in settlement negotiations.
These cases can end one of three ways: rightsholders win, everybody settles, or developers win. As we’ve noted before, we think the developers have the better argument. But that’s not the only reason they should win these cases: while creators have a legitimate gripe, expanding copyright won’t protect jobs from automation. A win for rightsholders or even a settlement could also lead to significant harm, especially if it undermines fair use protections for research uses or artistic protections for creators. In this post and a follow-up, we’ll explain why.
State of PlayFirst, we need some context, so here’s the state of play:
DMCA ClaimsMultiple courts have dismissed claims under Section 1202(b) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, stemming from allegations that developers removed or altered attribution information during the training process. In Raw Story Media v. OpenAI, Inc., the Southern District of New York dismissed these claims because the plaintiff had not “plausibly alleged” that training ChatGPT on their works had actually harmed them, and there was no “substantial risk” that ChatGPT would output their news articles. Because ChatGPT was trained on “massive amount of information from unnumerable sources on almost any given subject…the likelihood that ChatGPT would output plagiarized content from one of Plaintiffs’ articles seems remote.” Courts granted motions to dismiss similar DMCA claims in Andersen v. Stability AI, Ltd., , The Intercept Media, Inc. v. OpenAI, Inc., Kadrey v. Meta Platforms, Inc., and Tremblay v. OpenAI.
Another such case, Doe v. GitHub, Inc. will soon be argued in the Ninth Circuit.
Copyright Infringement ClaimsRightsholders also assert ordinary copyright infringement, and the initial holdings are a mixed bag. In Kadrey v. Meta Platforms, Inc., for example, the court dismissed “nonsensical” claims that Meta’s LLaMA models are themselves infringing derivative works. In Andersen v. Stability AI Ltd., however, the court held that copyright claims based on the assumption that the plaintiff’s works were included in a training data set could go forward, where the use of plaintiffs’ names as prompts generated outputted images that were “similar to plaintiffs’ artistic works.” The court also held that the plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the model was designed to “promote infringement” for similar reasons.
It's early in the case—the court was merely deciding if the plaintiffs had alleged enough to justify further proceedings—but it’s a dangerous precedent. Crucially, copyright protection extends only to the actual expression of the author—the underlying facts and ideas in a creative work are not themselves protected. That means that, while a model cannot output an identical or near-identical copy of a training image without running afoul of copyright, it is free to generate stylistically “similar” images. Training alone is insufficient to give rise to a claim of infringement, and the court impermissibly conflated permissible “similar” outputs with the copying of protectable expression.
Fair UseIn most of the AI cases, courts have yet to consider—let alone decide—whether fair use applies. In one unusual case, however, the judge has flip-flopped, previously finding that the defendant’s use was fair and changing his mind. This case, Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre GMBH v. Ross Intelligence, Inc., concerns legal research technology. Thomson Reuters provides search tools to locate relevant legal opinions and prepares annotations describing the opinions’ holdings. Ross Intelligence hired lawyers to look at those annotations and rewrite them in their own words. Their output was used to train Ross’s search tool, ultimately providing users with relevant legal opinions based on their queries. Originally, the court got it right, holding that if the AI developer used copyrighted works only “as a step in the process of trying to develop a ‘wholly new,’ albeit competing, product,” that’s “transformative intermediate copying,” i.e. fair use.
After reconsidering, however, the judge changed his mind in several respects, essentially disagreeing with prior case law regarding search engines. We think it’s unlikely that an appeals court would uphold this divergence from precedent. But if it did, it would present legal problems for AI developers—and anyone creating search tools.
Copyright law favors the creation of new technology to learn and locate information, even when developing the tool required copying books and web pages in order to index them. Here, the search tool is providing links to legal opinions, not presenting users with any Thomson Reuters original material. The tool is concerned with noncopyrightable legal holdings and principles, not with supplanting any creative expression embodied in the annotations prepared by Thomson Reuters.
Thomson Reuters has often pushed the limits of copyright in an attempt to profit off of the public’s need to access and refer to the law, for instance by claiming a proprietary interest in its page numbering of legal opinions. Unfortunately, the judge in this case enabled them to do so in a new way. We hope the appeals court reverses the decision.
The Side DealsWhile all of this is going on, developers that can afford it—OpenAI, Google, and other tech behemoths—have inked multimillion-dollar licensing deals with Reddit, the Wall Street Journal, and myriad other corporate copyright owners. There’s suddenly a $2.5 billion licensing market for training data—even though the use of that data is almost certainly fair use.
What’s MissingThis litigation is getting plenty of attention. And it should because the stakes are high. Unfortunately, the real stakes are getting lost. These cases are not just about who will get the most financial benefits from generative AI. The outcomes will decide whether a small group of corporations that can afford big licensing fees will determine the future of AI for all of us. More on that tomorrow.
This post is part of our AI and Copyright series. Check out our other post in this series.
EFF and Repro Uncensored Launch #StopCensoringAbortion Campaign
SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Repro Uncensored coalition on Wednesday launched the #StopCensoringAbortion campaign to ensure that people who need reproductive health and abortion information can find and share it.
Censorship of this information by social media companies appears to be increasing, so the campaign will collect information to track such incidents.
“This censorship is alarming, and we’re seeing it take place across popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, where abortion-related content is often flagged or removed under vague ‘community guideline’ violations, despite the content being legal and factual,” said EFF Legislative Activist Rindala Alajaji. “This lack of transparency leaves organizations, influencers, and individuals in the dark, fueling a wider culture of online censorship that jeopardizes public access to vital healthcare information.”
Initially, the campaign is collecting stories from people and organizations who have faced censorship on these platforms. This will help the public and the companies understand how often this is happening, who is affected, and with what consequences. EFF will use that information to demand that censorship stop and that the companies create greater transparency in their practices, which are often obscure and difficult to track. Tech companies must not silence critical conversations about reproductive rights.
"We are not simply raising awareness—we are taking action to hold tech companies accountable for their role in censoring free speech around reproductive health. The stories we collect will be instrumental in presenting to the platforms the breadth of this problem, drawing a picture of its impact, and demanding more transparent policies,” Alajaji said. “If you or someone you know has had abortion-related content taken down or shadowbanned by a social media platform, your voice is crucial in this fight. By sharing your experience, you’ll be contributing to a larger movement to end censorship and demand that social media platforms stop restricting access to critical reproductive health information.”
In addition to a portal for reporting incidents of online abortion censorship, the campaign’s landing page provides links to reporting and research on this censorship. Additionally, the page includes digital privacy and security guides for abortion activists, medical personnel, and patients.
With reproductive rights under fire across the U.S. and around the world, access to accurate abortion information has never been more critical. Reproductive health and rights organizations have turned to online platforms to share essential, sometimes life-saving guidance and resources. Whether they provide the latest updates on abortion laws, where to find clinics, or education about abortion medication, online spaces have become a lifeline particularly for those in regions where reproductive freedoms are under siege.
But a troubling trend is making it harder for people to access vital abortion information: Social media platforms are censoring or removing abortion-related content, often without a clear justification or policy basis. A recent example surfaced last month when Instagram posts by Aid Access, an online abortion services provider, were either blurred out or prevented from loading entirely. This sparked concerns in the press about how recent content moderation policy changes by Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, would affect availability of reproductive health information.
For the campaign landing page: https://www.eff.org/pages/stop-censoring-abortion
Contact: RindalaAlajajiLegislative Activistrin@eff.orgSaving the Internet in Europe: Defending Privacy and Fighting Surveillance
This post is part three in a series of posts about EFF’s work in Europe. Read about how and why we work in Europe here.
EFF’s mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people of the world. While our work has taken us to far corners of the globe, in recent years we have worked to expand our efforts in Europe, building up a policy team with key expertise in the region, and bringing our experience in advocacy and technology to the European fight for digital rights.
In this blog post series, we will introduce you to the various players involved in that fight, share how we work in Europe, and discuss how what happens in Europe can affect digital rights across the globe.
Implementing a Privacy First Approach to Fighting Online HarmsInfringements on privacy are commonplace across the world, and Europe is no exemption. Governments and regulators across the region are increasingly focused on a range of risks associated with the design and use of online platforms, such as addictive design, the effects of social media consumption on children’s and teenagers’ mental health, and dark patterns limiting consumer choices. Many of these issues share a common root: the excessive collection and processing of our most private and sensitive information by corporations for their own financial gain.
One necessary approach to solving this pervasive problem is to reduce the amount of data that these entities can collect, analyze, and sell. The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is central to protecting users’ data protection rights in Europe, but the impact of the GDPR ultimately depends on how well it is enforced. Strengthening the enforcement of the GDPR in areas where data can be used to target, discriminate, and undermine fundamental rights is therefore a cornerstone in our work.
Beyond the GDPR, we also bring our privacy first approach to fighting online harms to discussions on online safety and digital fairness. The Digital Services Act (DSA) makes some important steps to limit the use of some data categories to target users with ads, and bans targeteds ads for minors completely. This is the right approach, which we will build on as we contribute to the debate around the upcoming Digital Fairness Act.
Age Verification Tools Are No Silver BulletAs in many other jurisdictions around the world, age verification has become a hotly debated topic in the EU, with governments across Europe seeking to introduce them. In the United Kingdom, legislation like the Online Safety Act (OSA) was introduced to make the UK “the safest place” in the world to be online. The OSA requires platforms to prevent individuals from encountering certain illegal content, which will likely mandate the use of intrusive scanning systems. Even worse, it empowers the British government, in certain situations, to demand that online platforms use government-approved software to scan for illegal content. And they are not alone in seeking to do so. Last year, France banned social media access for children under 15 without parental consent, and Norway also pledged to follow a similar ban.
Children’s safety is important, but there is little evidence that online age verification tools can help achieve this goal. EFF has long fought against mandatory age verification laws, from the U.S. to Australia, and we’ll continue to stand up against these types of laws in Europe. Not just for the sake of free expression, but to protect the free flow of information that is essential to a free society.
Challenging Creeping Surveillance PowersFor years, we’ve observed a worrying tendency of technologies designed to protect people's privacy and data being re-framed as security concerns. And recent developments in Europe, like Germany’s rush to introduce biometric surveillance, signal a dangerous move towards expanding surveillance powers, justified by narratives framing complex digital policy issues as primarily security concerns. These approaches invite tradeoffs that risk undermining the privacy and free expression of individuals in the EU and beyond.
Even though their access to data has never been broader, law enforcement authorities across Europe continue to peddle the tale of the world “going dark.” With EDRi, we criticized the EU high level group “going dark” and sent a joint letter warning against granting law enforcement unfettered capacities that may lead to mass surveillance and violate fundamental rights. We have also been involved in Pegasus spyware investigations, with EFF’s Executive Director Cindy Cohn participating in an expert hearing on the matter. The issue of spyware is pervasive and intersects with many components of EU law, such as the anti-spyware provisions contained within the EU Media Freedom Act. Intrusive surveillance has a global dimension, and our work has combined advocacy at the UN with the EU, for example, by urging the EU Parliament to reject the UN Cybercrime Treaty.
Rather than increasing surveillance, countries across Europe must also make use of their prerogatives to ban biometric surveillance, ensuring that the use of this technology is not permitted in sensitive contexts such as Europe’s borders. Face recognition, for example, presents an inherent threat to individual privacy, free expression, information security, and social justice. In the UK, we’ve been working with national groups to ban government use of face recognition technology, which is currently administered by local police forces. Given the proliferation of state surveillance across Europe, government use of this technology must be banned.
Protecting the Right to Secure and Private CommunicationsEFF works closely on issues like encryption to defend the right to private communications in Europe. For years, EFF fought hard against an EU proposal that, if it became law, would have pressured online services to abandon end-to-end encryption. We joined together with EU allies and urged people to sign the “Don’t Scan Me” petition. We lobbied EU lawmakers and urged them to protect their constituents’ human right to have a private conversation—backed up by strong encryption. Our message broke through, and a key EU committee adopted a position that bars the mass scanning of messages and protects end-to-end encryption. It also bars mandatory age verification whereby users would have had to show ID to get online. As Member States are still debating their position on the proposal, this fight is not over yet. But we are encouraged by the recent European Court of Human Rights ruling which confirmed that undermining encryption violates fundamental rights to privacy. EFF will continue to advocate for this to governments, and the corporations providing our messaging services.
As we’ve said many times, both in Europe and the U.S., there is no middle ground to content scanning and no “safe backdoor” if the internet is to remain free and private. Either all content is scanned and all actors—including authoritarian governments and rogue criminals—have access, or no one does. EFF will continue to advocate for the right to a private conversation, and hold the EU accountable to the international and European human rights protections that they are signatories to.
Looking ForwardEU legislation and international treaties should contain concrete human rights safeguards, robust data privacy standards, and sharp limits on intrusive surveillance powers, including in the context of global cooperation.
Much work remains to be done. And we are ready for it. Late last year, we put forward comprehensive policy recommendations to European lawmakers and we will continue fighting for an internet where everyone can make their voice heard. In the next—and final—post in this series, you will learn more about how we work in Europe to ensure that digital markets are fair, offer users choice and respect fundamental rights.
Crimson Memo: Analyzing the Privacy Impact of Xianghongshu AKA Red Note
Early in January 2025 it seemed like TikTok was on the verge of being banned by the U.S. government. In reaction to this imminent ban, several million people in the United States signed up for a different China-based social network known in the U.S. as RedNote, and in China as Xianghongshu (小红书/ 小紅書; which translates to Little Red Book).
RedNote is an application and social network created in 2013 that currently has over 300 million users. Feature-wise, it is most comparable to Instagram and is primarily used for sharing pictures, videos, and shopping. The vast majority of its users live in China, are born after 1990, and are women. Even before the influx of new users in January, RedNote has historically had many users outside of China, primarily people from the Chinese diaspora who have friends and relatives on the network. RedNote is largely funded by two major Chinese tech corporations: Tencent and Alibaba.
When millions of U.S. based users started flocking to the application, the traditional rounds of pearl clutching and concern trolling began. Many people raised the alarm about U.S. users entrusting their data with a Chinese company, and it is implied, the Chinese Communist Party. The reaction from U.S. users was an understandable, if unfortunate, bit of privacy nihilism. People responded that they, “didn’t care if someone in China was getting their data since US companies such as Meta and Google had already stolen their data anyway.” “What is the difference,” people argued, “between Meta having my data and someone in China? How does this affect me in any way?”
Even if you don’t care about giving China your data, it is not safe to use any application that doesn’t use encryption by default.
Last week, The Citizen Lab at The Munk School Of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, released a report authored by Mona Wang, Jeffrey Knockel, and Irene Poetranto which highlights three serious security issues in the RedNote app. The most concerning finding from Citizen Lab is a revelation that RedNote retrieves uploaded user content over plaintext http. This means that anyone else on your network, at your internet service provider, or organizations like the NSA, can see everything you look at and upload to RedNote. Moreover someone could intercept that request and replace it with their own media or even an exploit to install malware on your device.
In light of this report the EFF Threat Lab decided to confirm the CItizen Lab findings and do some additional privacy investigation of RedNote. We used static analysis techniques for our investigation, including manual static analysis of decompiled source code, and automated scanners including MobSF and Exodus Privacy. We only analyzed Version 8.59.5 of RedNote for Android downloaded from the website APK Pure.
EFF has independently confirmed the finding that Red Note retrieves posted content over plaintext http. Due to this lack of even basic transport layer encryption we don’t think this application is safe for anyone to use. Even if you don’t care about giving China your data, it is not safe to use any application that doesn’t use encryption by default.
Citizen Lab researchers also found that users’ file contents are readable by network attackers. We were able to confirm that RedNote encrypts several sensitive files with static keys which are present in the app and the same across all installations of the app, meaning anyone who was able to retrieve those keys from a decompiled version of the app could decrypt these sensitive files for any user of the application. The Citizen Lab report also found a vulnerability where an attacker could identify the contents of any file readable by the application. This was out of scope for us to test but we find no reason to doubt this claim.
The third major finding by Citizen Lab was that RedNote transmits device metadata in a way that can be eavesdropped on by network attackers, sometimes without encryption at all, and sometimes in a way vulnerable to a machine-in-the middle attack. We can confirm that RedNote does not validate HTTPS certificates properly. Testing this vulnerability was out of scope for EFF, but we find no reason to doubt this claim.
Permissions and TrackersEFF performed further analysis of the permissions and trackers requested by RedNote. Our findings indicate two other potential privacy issues with the application.
RedNote requests some very sensitive permissions, including location information, even when the app is not running in the foreground. This permission is not requested by other similar apps such as TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram.
We also found, using an online scanner for tracking software called Exodus Privacy, that RedNote is not a platform which will protect its users from U.S.-based surveillance capitalism. In addition to sharing userdata with the Chinese companies Tencent and ByteDance, it also shares user data with Facebook and Google.
Other IssuesRedNote contains functionality to update its own code after it’s downloaded from the Google Play store using an open source library called APK Patch. This could be used to inject malicious code into the application after it has been downloaded without such code being revealed in automated scans meant to protect against malicious applications being uploaded to official stores, like Google Play.
RecommendationsDue to the lack of encryption we do not consider it safe for anyone to run this app. If you are going to use RedNote, we recommend doing so with the absolute minimum set of permissions necessary for the app to function (see our guides for iPhone and Android.) At least a part of this blame falls on Google. Android needs to stop allowing apps to make unencrypted requests at all.
Due to the lack of encryption we do not consider it safe for anyone to run this app.
RedNote should immediately take steps to encrypt all traffic from their application and remove the permission for background location information.
Users should also keep in mind that RedNote is not a platform which values free speech. It’s a heavily censored application where topics such as political speech, drugs and addiction, and sexuality are more tightly controlled than similar social networks.
Since it shares data with Facebook and Google ad networks, RedNote users should also keep in mind that it’s not a platform that protects you from U.S.-based surveillance capitalism.
The willingness of users to so quickly move to RedNote also highlights the fact that people are hungry for platforms that aren't controlled by the same few American tech oligarchs. People will happily jump to another platform even if it presents new, unknown risks; or is controlled by foreign tech oligarchs such as Tencent and Alibaba.
However, federal bans of such applications are not the correct answer. When bans are targeted at specific platforms such as TikTok, Deepseek, and RedNote rather than privacy-invasive practices such as sharing sensitive details with surveillance advertising platforms, users who cannot participate on the banned platform may still have their privacy violated when they flock to other platforms. The real solution to the potential privacy harms of apps like RedNote is to ensure (through technology, regulation, and law) that people’s sensitive information isn’t entered into the surveillance capitalist data stream in the first place.
We need a federal, comprehensive, consumer-focused privacy law. Our government is failing to address the fundamental harms of privacy-invading social media. Implementing xenophobic, free-speech infringing policy is having the unintended consequence of driving folks to platforms with even more aggressive censorship. This outcome was foreseeable. Rather than a knee-jerk reaction banning the latest perceived threat, these issues could have been avoided by addressing privacy harms at the source and enacting strong consumer-protection laws.
Figure 1. Permissions requested by RedNote
This app can access location at any time, even while the app is not in use.
This app can get your approximate location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location.
This app can get your precise location from location services while the app is in use. Location services for your device must be turned on for the app to get location. This may increase battery usage.
Allows the app to read locations from your media collection.
Allows the app to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Allows the app to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Allows the app to use the account authenticator capabilities of the AccountManager, including creating accounts and getting and setting their passwords.
Allows the app to view the configuration of the Bluetooth on the phone, and to make and accept connections with paired devices.
Allows the app to configure the local Bluetooth phone, and to discover and pair with remote devices.
Allows the app to connect to paired Bluetooth devices
This app can take pictures and record videos using the camera while the app is in use.
Allows the app to change the state of network connectivity.
Allows the app to connect to and disconnect from Wi-Fi access points and to make changes to device configuration for Wi-Fi networks.
Allows the app to expand or collapse the status bar.
Allows the app to control the flashlight.
Allows the app to make use of foreground services.
Allows the app to make use of foreground services with the type dataSync
Allows the app to make use of foreground services with the type location
Allows the app to make use of foreground services with the type mediaPlayback
Allows the app to make use of foreground services with the type mediaProjection
Allows the app to make use of foreground services with the type microphone
Allows the app to get the list of accounts known by the phone. This may include any accounts created by applications you have installed.
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Allows the app to perform operations like adding and removing accounts, and deleting their password.
Allows an application to manage media projection sessions. These sessions can provide applications the ability to capture display and audio contents. Should never be needed by normal apps.
Allows the app to modify global audio settings such as volume and which speaker is used for output.
Allows the app to show notifications
This app can read all calendar events stored on your phone and share or save your calendar data.
Allows the app to read data about your contacts stored on your phone. Apps will also have access to the accounts on your phone that have created contacts. This may include accounts created by apps you have installed. This permission allows apps to save your contact data, and malicious apps may share contact data without your knowledge.
Allows the app to read the contents of your shared storage.
Allows the app to read audio files from your shared storage.
Allows the app to read image files from your shared storage.
Allows the app to read video files from your shared storage.
Allows the app to access the phone features of the device. This permission allows the app to determine the phone number and device IDs, whether a call is active, and the remote number connected by a call.
Allows the app to read the sync settings for an account. For example, this can determine whether the People app is synced with an account.
Allows the app to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the phone and allow the app to slow down the overall phone by always running.
Unknown permission from android reference
This app can record audio using the microphone while the app is in use.
Allows an app to ask for permission to ignore battery optimizations for that app.
Allows an application to request installation of packages.
This app can schedule work to happen at a desired time in the future. This also means that the app can run when youu2019re not actively using the device.
This app can appear on top of other apps or other parts of the screen. This may interfere with normal app usage and change the way that other apps appear.
Allows the app to request authentication tokens.
Allows the app to control the vibrator.
Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
This app can add, remove, or change calendar events on your phone. This app can send messages that may appear to come from calendar owners, or change events without notifying their owners.
Unknown permission from android reference
Allows the app to write the contents of your shared storage.
Allows the app to modify the system's settings data. Malicious apps may corrupt your system's configuration.
Allows an app to modify the sync settings for an account. For example, this can be used to enable sync of the People app with an account.
Unknown permission from android reference
Allows an application to add Homescreen shortcuts without user intervention.
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
Unknown permission from android reference
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