Hacker News

Feedback Needed: Building an AI Wearable for Solving Everyday Problems

Hacker News - Sat, 10/26/2024 - 11:51am

Hi HN! I’m a young founder working on a new wearable device that’s a bit different from the current crop. Think of it as a wearable AI companion that goes beyond single-use cases like memory aids or smart glasses for the visually impaired.

The device itself is simple – a small camera, mic, and speaker that attaches to your shirt and connects to your phone. But the real innovation is in the software: a flexible AI helper that adapts to your specific needs, whether that’s helping a colorblind painter identify colors, a person with ADHD who needs reminders to stay on task, or someone who often misplaces items and needs help tracking them down.

Here’s where it gets exciting: instead of requiring technical skills to set up, the AI "learns" what you need from simple prompts. Imagine telling it, "I always lose my keys – can you help?" and it finds or creates the right helper. It also “borrows” and shares skills as needed, creating a highly personalized, adaptive assistant without complex setup or coding.

I’m curious to know: what small problems or annoyances would you want solved by a device like this? What situations or daily challenges could an AI wearable assistant help with that current devices don’t? Also, if anyone’s interested in collaborating, let’s connect!

Thanks for any input – your ideas could make this a product that truly makes life easier in ways that matter.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41955515

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