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Show HN: AI agents working together in a virtual podcast studio. NotebookLM alt

Hacker News - Sun, 10/27/2024 - 2:36am

Made this project in a couple of weekends after playing around with NotebookLM and seeing the hype for more projects like this. Let me know what you think!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41960318

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Zephyr: New [WIP] NN Jax Framework; Short, Simple, Declarative

Hacker News - Sun, 10/27/2024 - 2:27am

Hello HN! I have an early work-in-progress Neural Network Framework written on top of JAX.

Simple | Declarative | No need to learn duplicated JAX transforms or specialized manipulation functions

How to build a NN? 1. Make `f(params, x, hyperparameters)` 2. Initialize the params `params = trace(f, key, x, *hyperparameters)` 3. Use the function `f` you made: `f(params, x, hyperparameters)` 4. Optionally: use partial to bake-in the hyperparams: `model = f(_,_, hypermeters)` ; `_` will be explained in the README. You can also use `partial`

Its key difference with other JAX frameworks is its simplicity and straightforwardness. With other frameworks, the network is transformed to an (init, apply) which are pure functions and you basically don't use the actual code you've written and instead use this. With zephyr, neural networks look like neural networks: a function of parameters, input-data, and hyperparameters. It's also patterned for FP use, so partial application will a useful alternative to states in OO.

Lastly, it's meant to be declarative and simple. Neural networks are just functions, not objects that need instantiation or anything. This means code are usually shorter as declaration and usage/computation happens in the same place since those things are highly coupled and so placing them together results in less cognitive load. (No more wondering what the MLP(x)'s output-dim-per-layer is, since it's all bundled together).

It's early stage and so the core nets are few and unpolished, but I want to focus on the core first before moving on to implementing all core nets. Feedback on any part of it is very welcome!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41960276

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Open-Source Sider and Monica

Hacker News - Sun, 10/27/2024 - 2:17am
Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: I Built a Powertoys Run Plugin for Linear

Hacker News - Sun, 10/27/2024 - 2:03am

I was at my desk, constantly switching between Linear and PowerToys, and it was getting really frustrating. Every time I changed tools, my thoughts felt jumbled, and I often forgot the exact words I wanted to use for issues while waiting for Linear to load. Then I had an idea—what if I used PowerToys Run to create a new issue, similar to how I would on macOS with apps like Things or OmniFocus? I imagined setting it up so I could quickly access Linear directly from PowerToys Run. I could type a specific command like “New Issue” followed by the details, all without switching applications. After doing that, everything became clearer.

I finally felt more in control, able to create tasks efficiently while staying focused, and I could tackle my day without getting lost in the transitions.

You can check out the project here and watch a demonstration of it in action.

Link to Repo: https://github.com/vednig/powertoys-linear

Note: This is my first plugin for any software and first piece of code in C# there may be many discrepancies, I'm open to feedback. And code is also open for contributions.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41960188

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News
